Saturday, 5 February 2011

Honest, there is nothing wrong with me (Week 8 - 11)

Still keeping it a secret? Have colleagues, friends and family noticed that you don't have the energy that you once had? How ironic that when you most feel in need of energy then the little boost that coffee offers is denied you? Be kind on yourself your body is hard at work, even if you appear to be clinically attached to the sofa. Just don't watch anything too challenging, you are a maelstrom of hormones and I find myself sobbing over the smallest things!

It is a toss up between appearing lazy or 'fessing up to your secret when faced with anything even mildly physically challenging. Okay, pregnancy is not an illness but still where does all your energy go?  On making lame excuses why you over react to simple things, covering for the fact that you aren't drinking caffeine or alcohol or just your general exhaustion? How many reasons can be for the lack of drinking? Detox, a virus, antibiotics or a hangover? Some friends seem to know just by looking at you - but then again that has probably been offered as a hopeful prognosis every time you feel off-colour.

If you are working start to check your contract and your staff handbook - find out when you need to inform your line manager / HR team and what benefits you receive. Some small companies may not have a maternity policy; I once worked somewhere where a colleague was in effect shown the door when she announced her pregnancy and just reading up on her Maternity Rights we could negotiate her a more acceptable outcome.

If the count down to pop date seems abstract at this stage you can count down to the end of the first trimester and then at least the veil of secrecy can be lifted.

Time line:
Beanie is now growing fast - although any sign of bump is more likely down to any cravings as he / she is around 16mm long.
First midwife appointment for the 'booking in' session - loads of questions and blood letting.  Blood is taken for a number of screening tests including blood group and , haemoglobin level, immunity to German measles (Rubella) as well as syphilis, hepatitis B and HIV could see no reason to refuse to allow any of the tests). In our area they seem to test for even  thalassaemia, so more blood letting even though it tends not to affect Mums from my ethnic origin, but I don't need the sickle cell anaemia test.
Filled out the vital FW8 form to give free prescriptions and dental treatment - always work asking for one of these babies.

Beanie is starting to look more like a recognisable foetus, with a face slowly forming. By 9 weeks hands and feet are will be recognisable - by week 10 the internal organs are building a pace too. By 11 weeks that little bean is now a 60mm foetus with organs (yes, ALL organs) developing away. Not long till the scan and I can sneak a peak!

What I am cooking?
I still need my folic acid so now you really should try and I am trying to maintain a healthy diet. Something quick and easy is always good - and this recipe takes just a few minutes.

Chickpea and Chorizo Stew

Chop some chorizo and fry in a minimal amount of oil - it does not need much when it starts to cook the fats will melt. After about five minutes stir in a little turmeric and cumin (and either paprika or flaked chili depending on your tastes) and cook the spices for a few minutes.
Add a can of chick peas and passata / chopped tomatoes and stir in. Next add a bag of well washed spinach, pop on a lid and cook until the chickpeas are warms through and the spinach is wilted down (check and stir every few minutes).
One pan, 10 minutes and loads of folic acid and protein. Perfect!
Serve with couscous or flat bread / pitta.
For as vegetarian option miss out the chorizo, instead saute a little garlic and sprinkle with feta before serving.

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